Tuesday, 9 June 2009


A busy couple of weeks getting the en-suite and bathroom sorted, but it's all done now, and well worth the effort. Elections came and went and we got irate with some of the comments, but it didn't change anything.

Yesterday I had some time to get the AV tuned up ready for the camera club competition and today I've been looking at the PSA new members' site and ordered a book to partake in the workshops. I even managed to get my hair cut today too!!

Viv's been getting her downloaded workshops sorted out and ordered a few bits to play with. We've also decided to do the Harrogate show this year, so we're both getting going at last.

Long may it continue!!

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Wort Dego Indeed !!

We both like wild flowers (specially worts) and Steve used to look like a bit of a Dego (maybe still does) and it's a question we keep asking ourselves, so here we go.

It happens all the time.

Just when you think there's a free period, something crops up and your playtime has been cruelly used up for what is usually considered to be a far more worthy cause.

Meanwhile we don't get on with the creative things that make life so wortwhile.

If you've seen one hanging around, or have the answer let us know.

Whatever you do - Keep smiling